Monday, October 27, 2008

Jothi's private notes made public

“A man’s life is dyed the colour of his imagination”- Marcus Aurelius.
“The trouble with sleep is the going to and coming from”- Bob Kaufman
“A good scare is worth more to a man than good advice”-E.W.Howe.
“Absence is to love what wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great”-Comte de Bussy Rabutin

The Last Moments of Socrates

Plato has described Socrates last night on earth in the dialogue “Phaedo”. Socrates spent that night, as he had most of the others discussing philosophy. The subject was:” Is there a life after death”. He listened calmly about the subject from his disciples in the gaol.

When the attendant brought the poison cup in, Socrates said to him in a calm and practical tone, “Now you know all about this business.. You must tell me what to do”.

“You drink the hemlock and then you get up and walk about” the attendant said, “...Until your legs feel heavy. Then you lie down and the numbness will travel to your heart”.

Socrates very deliberately and coolly did as he had been told only pausing to rebuke his friend for sobbing and crying out as though he had not done the wise and right thing. His last thought was a small obligation he had forgotten. He removed the cloth that had been placed over his face and said,”Crito, I owe a cock to Asdepius-be sure to see that it is paid”.

Then he closed his eyes and re-laid the cloth and when Crito asked him if he had any other final directions, he made no answer.

Plato was the disciple of Socrates and Aristotle was the disciple of Plato and Alexander was the disciple of Aristotle.

- 2 Leonardo da Vinci

He used to write from right to left. If one wanted to read his papers, he had to keep the paper in front of the mirror and read. His favorite sport was taming a horse. He was so strong that he could bend a horse shoe in one hand. The notebooks of his prove that in military science he was ready for the II W.W. He had designed a 33 barrel gun, firing at a time 11 shots, made time fuses, hand grenades, gas bombs etc..

“You don’t waste time, time wastes you”- Gene Fowler

“Never argue at the dinner table, for the one who’s not hungry gets the best of the argument”

“It’s possible to own too much. A man with one watch knows what time it is: a man with two watches is never sure”- G. B. Shaw

“Professional football is like a nuclear warfare.. There are no winners, only survivors”- Frank Gifford

“English is a funny language... A fat chance and a slim chance are the same thing”-Jack Herbert.

“How you spend your time is more important than how you spend your money. Money mistakes can be corrected, but time is gone forever”- David Norris

“I fear 3 newspapers more than a hundred thousand bayonets”- Napoleon

“Men kick friendship around like a football, but it doesn’t seem to crack. Women treat it like glass and it goes to pieces”. Anne Morrow Lindbergh.

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